Soma Skin Spa partnered up with Divya Alter to show you how! Dec 6, 2022
When people first hear about Ayurveda, it can sound complicated and rigid: Avoid certain foods, don’t combine milk and fresh fruit, minimize leftovers, etc.
But while Ayurvedic cooking does have certain guidelines, that’s not what it’s really about. At its core, Ayurvedic cooking is about eating to feel your best. It’s about choosing foods that help you find health and balance, right now.
The title of Divya’s first cookbook, What to Eat for How You Feel, says it all. With Ayurveda, you can choose your foods based on how you feel—and how you want to feel.
Become your own expert
With Divya Alter’s new online masterclasses, you’ll learn all the foundational principles and techniques of Ayurvedic cooking. You’ll learn about doshas, the effect of taste on physiology, how to combine foods for optimal digestion, and which kinds of cookware to avoid.
But more importantly, you’ll learn self-awareness
You’ll learn about your own unique body type and your individual needs for health and healing. You’ll develop the ability to know how and why you’re out of balance, and what foods will bring you back into balance.
Eventually, you’ll know how an ingredient will make you feel before you even take it off the shelf. With a combination of knowledge, skills and intuitive understanding, you’ll become your own expert.
A special discount for our Soma Skin Spa community!
As a member of Soma Skin Spa community, you can purchase Divya Alter’s Masterclasses for 40% off the full price! Use any link in this email to claim your discount.
BONUS: Three LIVE cooking classes with Divya!
For a limited time only, Divya is offering members of the Soma Skin Spa Community a very special, exclusive opportunity. Order the new masterclasses by December 9, 2022 and you’ll gain access to 3 LIVE Bonus Cooking Classes with Divya! Each live class will feature a Q&A.