The Crucial Role of Balanced Microbiome in Skin Health Dec 15, 2022
There are so many different things that contribute to skin health! In Ayurveda, skin is considered a window into overall health and digestion. How does a healthy microbiome, strong digestion, and efficient elimination play a key role for healthy glowing skin?
In addition to daily use of proper skin care products, what we put into our body is the most important thing for our skin health! Strong digestion begins with a clean organic diet filled with plants, whole grains, legumes, easily digested cheeses, white meat and fish (for non-vegetarians) and healthy fats like cultured ghee and olive oil.
However, even if we are eating a perfect diet, we can still experience digestive discomforts such as gas, bloating and indigestion. These digestive issues can lead to skin disorders and health complications.
So, where shall a person start fixing digestion?
There is a lot of chatter about healthy, balanced microbiome going on in the scientific world.
What does the word MICROBIOME mean?
The microbiome is the community of microorganisms (fungi, bacteria and viruses) that exist in a particular environment. In humans, the term is often used to describe the microbes that live in or on a part of the body, such as the skin or gastrointestinal tract.
A healthy microbiome has large colonies of beneficial bacteria or probiotics that populate our gastrointestinal canal, crowding out unwanted pathogens as they enter the body with food we eat and air we breathe.
What do we need to consume on the daily basis to maintain a healthy microbiome?
First and foremost, we need the highest quality PROBIOTIC supplements and FRESH HOMEMADE YOGURT.
Secondly, a natural PREBIOTIC in the form of food, tea, and supplements to nourish the beneficial bacteria that multiply in our gastrointestinal tract.
When the gut microbiome colony types are balanced, we begin to more efficiently digest and absorb micronutrients from the food we eat, with the aid of enzymes made by the bacteria. We begin to experience less and less digestive issues, and we feel more energized, positive, and blissful. With access to the vitamins and nutrients unlocked by the enzymes in these beneficial bacteria, the skin radiates the blissful glow from within.
On behalf of your digestion and skin, I’ve searched long and hard to bring you the most effective, highest-quality probiotics available on the market today!
ProTren is a very special brand of precision probiotics that I stand by, and I highly recommend it for your daily consumption for healthy microbiome maintenance.
Shop unlimited ProTren Probiotics and Yogurt Starters! Enter the spa affiliate code PETRI004 and receive 10% discount on your orders. When ordering by phone, give this code to ProTren customer service representative.
Not sure which probiotic is right for you?
Call to schedule a free 20-minute consultation:
Prebiotic Support Tea
Prebiotic Support Tea This tea recipe contains herbs with slightly slippery or slimy texture that synergistically enhance and support the three necessary functions for maintaining a healthy gut microbiome: Channel opening, to allow appropriate energy movement in the digestive system. Cooling, t…
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Directions: take it as instructed on the bottle or call your professional SV Ayurveda practitioner.
As always, with your health in mind, respectfully,